
Amanda Archer

Big Fat Smile is excited about the future for children across NSW after three days of ground-breaking investment announcements from the NSW Government into the early education and care sector.  

Today’s announcement of $5.8 Billion over the next 10 years to implement Universal Pre-Kindergarten is a transformational Australian first and builds on funding commitments made earlier this week. The funding announcements, made over the space of three days have addressed critical areas of access and affordability for families, retention and attraction of the workforce and a holistic approach to ensuring children are developmentally on track prior to commencing school.  

Big Fat Smile recognises the importance of a high-quality educational program in the year before school and is excited to see the NSW Government commit to the goal of a full year of low or no cost preschool – building on the current 600 hours available for children in state funded preschools.   



Big Fat Smile Chief Executive Officer, Jenni Hutchins, said “We recognise the significant investment committed by the NSW Government over the coming 10 years to not only relieve critical pressures experienced across the early learning and care sector, but to work towards improving the future for the next generation of children. We celebrate the long-term vision of the NSW Government to commit to investment in universal Pre-Kindergarten. We know that quality education and care can change a child’s life trajectory and celebrate the goal of this being provided to every child across our state, regardless of location or status” 

Big Fat Smile further welcome the Brighter Beginnings initiatives announced Tuesday. “Early intervention, particularly for vulnerable children, is imperative for their lifelong outcomes” Ms Hutchins said “every parent’s life goal is to see their child flourish and thrive, we know that early action and early diagnosis is key.  A multidisciplinary and holistic approach to assessment and intervention and collaboration with early learning services will target developmental lags early and enable the best chance of success for all children”.   

Big Fat Smile looks forward to continuing their advocacy work and collaborating with the NSW Government to raise the voices of children, families, and educators as the optimum model for Pre-Kindergarten is developed.  

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