Welcome to @Home with Big Fat Smile
@Home with Big Fat Smile aims to build a sense of community by helping families participate in a range of educational, fun and engaging learning experiences at home alongside your child. This will support their learning, development and well-being.
Our team of educational experts will share with families a range of play-based experiences that are suitable for a home learning environment. These experiences will incorporate educational concepts such as literacy, science, maths, technology and the arts appropriate for all ages (Birth-12 years).

Cognitive Development
Cognitive development describes how children process, store and use information, think, and reason. Children’s thinking processes involves higher mental processes such as memory, problem-solving, hypothesising, decision-making, and categorising. Cognitive development is important for children to understand and make sense of the world around them.

Physical Development
Physical development outlines how children develop their fine and gross motor skills, muscle strength, balance and coordination. Fine motor skills refers to the development of small muscles and gross motor refers to the development of large muscles in the body. The physical growth of children assists in understanding the patterns of physical development. For example, large muscles (neck, torso, legs and arms) often develop before small muscles (fingers, hands, wrists). Furthermore, children’s muscles tend to develop from head to toe and inside (torso/core strength) to outside hands/feet).

Language Development
Language development refers to how children develop the ability to communicate using both speech and language. Language skills can be divided into two main types; receptive language (ability to understand words, sentences), and expressive language (produces words or ability to express themselves). Children often develop receptive language skills prior to express language skills. Language development also includes the development of phonics (how sounds are structured), semantic (how words are used to express concepts), grammar and pragmatics (rules of language).

Social Development
Social development relates to how children develop the ability to interact with others, develop relationships, friendships and handle conflict with others. Social development is very closely aligned with emotional development, as children gain an understanding of who they are, what their capabilities are and how to self-regulate emotions within social situations.

Emotional Development
Emotional development defines how children develop the ability to identify, express, manage and understand a range of emotions and feelings during various stages of their life. Emotional development is complex, as children need to learn to understand how their own feelings and responses affect not only themselves but also others around them. Children’s emotional development can be influenced by their temperament, attachments and relationships with others, and their social and cultural context.