Educational Framework
Educational Framework
The aim of the Educational Framework is to increase the visibility of our organisation’s deep commitment to a clear education ethos that is evident in our daily educational practices. The Educational Framework, developed by Dr Michele Peden, consists of eight sections that reflect evidence-based research around pedagogical practices for services that provide education and care to children Birth-12 years and their families.
The Educational Framework is a benchmark for best practice across all Big Fat Smile services, setting out expectations for pedagogical learning and teaching practices that support the promotion of learning in the early years. The framework also acknowledges and celebrates early childhood teachers and educator’s professional identity. The educational framework draws upon the latest research in the early childhood sector, highlighting the importance of the early years for children’s holistic development (physical, language, cognitive, language, social and emotional) and to maximise development.
The development and release of Big Fat Smile’s Educational Framework aligns with the Australian National Quality Framework, inclusive of National Law, National Regulations, and the National Learning Frameworks - Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) catering for children Birth-5 years and the My Time Our Place (MTOP) catering for children 5-12 years).

The National Quality Framework
Australia’s system for regulating early learning and school age care including: legislation and national quality standard, sector profiles and data, and learning frameworks.

Being, Belonging, Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework (Birth-5 years)
Approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework for young children from birth to five years of age.

My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Children
Approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework for school age children.