
Gundungurra Country & Ngunnawal Country
Wollondilly Public School
Newton St & Hoskins Street
Age range
Opening hours

6.30am-9am (Before School)

3.15pm-6pm (After School)

6.30am-6pm (School Holidays)

From our Director Teagan Beauman

There is no reason to get bored before school, after school or in the school holidays at Wollondilly Fun Club. We put a lot of effort into planning a variety of fun and exciting in centre and out of centre activities.

Big Fat Smile provide children with the highest quality early education and care for children aged 5-12 years.


What Parents are Saying About Wollondilly

“My kids are very happy and love attending”

“Wollondilly Fun club was loved by both my children, with caring educators who go out of their way to plan activities to meet the interests of all the children in their care. They include cultural activities and all their activities offer “next level” opportunities so the children can push themselves.”

“Best child care Provider ! they truly understand work life for casuals and that is rare ! Great Communication absolutly second to none ! and super efficient in every aspect of child care Providers ! I can not rate them high enough.”

“Great communication and a deep understanding of issues concerning care requirements for those in casual employment!”

Big Fat Smile provides school aged kids (5-12 years) with an inspiring, fun itinerary each school holiday season. Designed to inspire, entertain, shake the sillies out and colour that grey matter happy, Big Fat Smile’s range of holiday programs will leave the kids completely spent at the end of each stimulating day.

Smiles all round!

Big Fat Smile exists for children and families, working to provide access to the highest quality early education and care in Australia. In fact, quality is central to everything we do.

Uniquely BFS

Educational framework

Bespoke Educational Framework

 The educational framework is a benchmark for best practice across all Big Fat Smile services, setting out expectations for pedagogical learning and teaching practices that support the promotion of learning in the early years. 

Safeguarding children

Child safety is a part of our vision and values

We are a child safe organisation. We take a whole of organisation approach towards creating and embedding a child safe culture, environment and practices for all children, across all service types and programs.

Our values

Our values guide our practices across all levels of our organisation, from Head Office, to Educators in services.





