Looking to Enrol Your Little One in Preschool?
We're Here to Help You Take the Big Little Step!
Where to begin
We know that finding the perfect Preschool to start your little people in their education and care journey is a big deal. There's research to be done, Directors to meet, tours to be had and many many feelings to be waded through.
We have put together this page as a resource to help families start their preschool journey and answer some of the many questions you may have!
Resources for new parents

Term-Only Preschool or Long Daycare?
Big Fat Smile offers two different types of Preschool...Term-Only Preschools and Long Daycares...
Whilst the service offerings are slightly different, there is no difference in the Educational Framework, Educator Qualifications or School Readiness Programming.
Read more about our different service types to find which suits your needs below

Parent Handbook
Our parent handbook is a downloadable resource jam-packed with helpful information about Big Fat Smile preschools and long daycare services.
We have made the PDF version available here for you to download and read some of the more detailed aspects about our organisation and the services.

Did you know that some services have substantial waitlists? Sometimes, up to years? It is always best to pop you name down on a waitlist as early as possible...some people even do this before baby is born to better their chances of starting at their preferred service at the time they wish to return to work or start care.
Add your name to your preferred services' waitlist today

Get Your Child Care Subsidy set up
If your choose to attend a federally-funded Long Daycare or Fun Club service, you may be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
CCS works by using your household income to provide you with a percentage of fee you the Government will assist in covering the cost of.
It is a Centrelink service and can have lengthy wait times in terms of processing, so we recommend applying well before your start of enrolment.

What is Quality Early Learning and Care?
The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA - pronounced a-see-kwa) is an independent national authority that assists governments in administering the National Quality Framework (NQF) for children's education and care.
All Big Fat Smile services are rated against the National Quality Standards and proudly all within the Meeting, Exceeding or Excellent categories.

The Law
Every service across Australia is required to adhere to the Education and Care National Law, Education and Care National Regulations and the National Quality Standards. Within NSW, these requirements are regulated by the Department of Education (Early Childhood Directorate).
The NSW Department of Education monitors, supports and regulates services across NSW, including all Big Fat Smile services.