
Rebecca Slade

As restrictions roll back in New South Wales, so too does the temporary Child Care Relief Package. On July 13, the Child Care Subsidy system will be turned back on and fees will be charged once again. For many, we understand that your circumstances may have changed during the global pandemic. Below we have compiled some assistance you may be entitled to and strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible to ensure the benefits reach you as soon as possible.

Families with Reduced Activity

Families who have had their activity test ‘activities’ reduce from the hours entitled immediately pre-COVID are entitled to a result of 100 hours of subsidised care per fortnight. You must continue to meet immunisation requirements, have been approved for the aforementioned hours prior to COVID-19 and be doing less recognised activity at present. Families can update their details on MyGov from the 13th July 2020 to access.

Families experiencing temporary financial hardship

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for Centrelink’s Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) – Temporary Financial Hardship.

If your income or hours of work have been reduced because you have lost your job, you are caring for a seriously ill family member or have recently lost a family member, you may be eligible.

This entitles eligible for up to 13 weeks of subsidy towards your child care fees, for up to 100 hours of care per fortnight. In some cases, these subsidies will cover the full fees charged by your child care centre (up to 120 per cent of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) hourly rate cap) for the allotted duration.

You can apply online via myGov or you can apply in person by visiting your local Centrelink office. You may wish to prepare a written statutory declaration that states:
The event or incident that has caused your financial hardship, e.g. lost job, substantially reduced income, family illness, natural disaster, etc;
The date this event occurred; and
How this event has affected your family’s ability to pay your child care fees.

Families who are training, re-skilling or getting back into work from income support

If you are currently receiving income support payments from Centrelink, including JobSeeker or Parenting Payments, you might be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)-Transition to Work.

This subsidy will pay up to 95% of your child care fees so that you can get back to work or do some study or training to help you find a new job.

Y can apply online via MyGov or by visiting a Centrelink Office.
To assist this application, it is best to be clear about your training plans to allow for a clear estimate of the duration you may be entitled to the subsidy.

Should you have any questions, our Client Engagement Team are always available to help by calling 1300 002 237

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