
Lara McCabe

Big Fat Smile presents –
The Creativity Project Conference 2014
Friday 14th March, 2-5pm, Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House

The Creativity Project 2014

Hot on the heels of 2013’s knockout conference at the Museum of Contemporary Art, The Creativity Project’s annual conference is bouncing into to town again, landing at another iconic hub of creativity, the Sydney Opera House.

This year’s conference promises to be a thought starter in every sense. Titled ‘Master in The House’, the ‘in conversation’ format with Q&A style audience participation, stays true to the Project’s agenda of presenting Real LIVE artists and creative educators who have devoted their lives to the development of children’s creativity.

Join Big Fat Smile at the Sydney Opera House with artist/educator and one-time red Wiggle, Murray Cook as he shares his unique insights on creative education. A foundation member of the world’s most iconic children’s entertainment brand,

Murray has engaged creatively with children for more than 20 years — as teacher, artist, advocate and master of his field.

Along the way, he became an early childhood educator, befriended Steve Irwin and Robert De Niro, was inducted as a Member of the Order of Australia, collected over 40 guitars, made grown-up music with his other band and used his power for good through his charity work.

Murray’s mastery flows from his commitment to the growth of ‘the whole child’. Top of his list for successful engagement is seeing things from the child’s divergent perspective, finding balance between instruction and exploration, and engaging parent and child for shared play and learning.

With fellow musician, ABC journalist and one-time Playschool presenter, James Valentine, Murray shares his mastery and insights into the power of music, humour, creativity and the role of the arts and artists in children’s lives.

The Creativity Project Conference 2014 is an opportunity not to be missed by musicians, artists, educators, parents……anyone who believes in the vital role creativity plays in the development of children’s hearts and minds.

Big Fat Smile presents unique one-day events to challenge thinking, lift spirits and open minds to the power of real engagement through creativity. With outstanding presenters and venues, we break stereotypes and present the message that real connections are forged creatively through minds as well as hearts.

For bios of James Valentine and Murray Cook, or more information on Big Fat Smile and The Creativity Project, please contact Jennine Primmer on 0408 237 358.

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