
Lara McCabe

Each year Big Fat Smile presents four Early Education students with a substantial financial scholarship designed to assist with the completion of their Early Education studies.

Two students are chosen from TAFE Illawarra and two students are chosen from the University of Wollongong. Both institutions provide valuable Early Education training and Big Fat Smile is committed to supporting and partnering with both.


All applicants for the scholarship are assessed on their passion, commitment and goals within the Early Education sector.

It is with great pleasure we announce the following students have been selected as the 2015 recipients of the Big Fat Smile Early Education Scholarships.

Carley Robinson – TAFE Illawarra Shellharbour Campus
Ashleigh Goodwin – University of Wollongong
Claire Lane – University of Wollongong
Rachel Verdon -TAFE Illawarra Wollongong Campus.

Congratulations to Carley, Ashleigh, Claire and Rachel. We wish you all the best with completing your Early Education studies and pursuing your career as an Early Education Educator.

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