
Marketing Team

Big Fat Smile now gives families the option to choose Attendance Blocks at their eligible Long Day Care Centres. Families can choose the hours of childcare they need from 9 Hours, 10 Hours and Full Day. All families are different and some children may not need to attend their Centre’s full operating hours.

By choosing a shorter attendance block (9 or 10 hours) families can make the most of their eligible child care subsidised hours, as they only use the number of hours in their attendance block.

For instance, if a centre is open 12 hours per day (6.30am – 6.30pm) families would use 12 subsidised hours each day. If an attendance block of 9 hours is selected at that centre, that same family can put the 3 hours difference towards another attendance day.


“We welcomed Big Fat Smile’s Attendance Block initiative as it makes all of the hours that our daughter attends eligible for subsidy. It has allowed us to reduce our out of pocket expenses which is vital for a family with a small child.” – Parent, David Archer

Your Hours, Your Choice.

For more information and case study read here or call 1300 002 237 to discuss your circumstances today.

Additional Centre terms and conditions apply and may be subject to change.

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