
Lara McCabe


The children at Helensburgh Community Preschool have been learning about the home and families, and how people come together to form communities. They’ve also been learning about how people in communities can help each other. They spoke to a friend at the Wollongong Homeless Hub to find out what sorts of items were most needed and decided to collect bedding, toiletries, clothing and food to donate as part of a Winter Drive.

After putting a call out on Kinderloop and local Helensburgh Facebook groups, the children and staff were delighted with the generous response from the preschool families as well as members of the community. A wide range of items was donated, including quilts, sleeping bags, toothbrushes, soaps, jackets, socks, canned food and Up&Gos. One family even donated 27 brand new baby jumpsuits in 3 sizes!

The preschool have collected enough donations to fill over 20 boxes for the Homeless Hub. They celebrated the end of their Winter Drive with a Pyjama Day on the winter solstice.

“We have been so impressed with the end result of our drive,” said Director Jane Morgan, “and the children and families are very proud to be giving something back to the community.”


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